

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a versatile and essential programming language for web development. It enables dynamic and interactive elements on websites, allowing developers to create responsive user interfaces, validate forms, handle asynchronous requests, and manipulate HTML and CSS.

With its wide adoption and robust ecosystem of libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, JavaScript empowers developers to build modern, feature-rich web applications that deliver seamless user experiences across a variety of devices and browsers. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, JavaScript is a fundamental tool for creating the web's dynamic and engaging content.

  • Computer: You'll need access to a computer, whether it's a desktop or laptop, to practice coding and view your JavaScript files in a web browser.
  • Text Editor:: You'll need a text editor to write JS code.
  • Web Browser::You'll need a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to view and test your JS Web pages.
  • Patience and Practice:Learning JAVASCRIPT takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself.

Course Circullum

  • Point 01:
    What is javascript?
  • Point 02:
    Features of Javascript
  • Point 03:
    How to create Javascript File
  • Point 04:
    Syntax and Script tag
  • Point 05:
    Display Data on Console
  • Point 06:
    JavaScript Boxes
  • Point 01:
    What is Data Types in JS?
  • Point 02:
  • Point 03:
  • Point 04:
  • Point 05:
  • Point 06:
  • Point 01:
    Condistional Statement?
  • Point 02:
    Looping Statement
  • Point 03:
    Break, Continue
  • Point 04:
    Switch Cases
  • Point 01:
    Working with String?
  • Point 02:
    Working With Array
  • Point 03:
    Javascript Object
  • Point 04:
    This Keyword
  • Point 05:
  • Point 01:
    What is Dom?
  • Point 02:
    Methods in DOM
  • Point 03:
    DOM Manupulation
  • Point 04:
  • Point 05:
    Styling Element
  • Point 06:
    Traversing Element
  • Point 01:
    What is BOM?
  • Point 02:
    Methods in BOM
  • Point 03:
    Time Events
  • Point 04:
    Reg Exp
  • Point 05:
  • Point 06:
    IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
  • Point 01:
    JS6 Features
  • Point 02:
    Spread Operator
  • Point 03:
    Template Literals
  • Point 04:
    Destructuring Assignment
  • Point 05:
    Enhanced Object Literals
  • Point 06:
    Strict Mode, Set, Arrow Function
  • Point 07:
    Moduls, JSON, Ajax